Chumash Classes
Learn the foundational skills of how to learn text-based Chumash through learning:
Mishna Classes
Learn the Mesorsah of Torah Shebal Peh and the structure of how Mishnayos works by dividing every Mishnah into four parts:
1. Omer - Learning about the Tanaim in every Mishnah
2. Mikrah - Learning the case in every Mishnah
3. Din - Learning the Halacha of every opinion
4. Tam - Learning the reasons for their opinion

Gemara Classes
Learn the structure of how to learn Gemara with learning:
What a Masechta, Perek, Daf, and Amud are.
Frequently used keywords that help you divide the Gemara.
Frequently used Milim - words that are used throughout the Gemara.
How to punctuate Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos

The Jewish Virtual Academy has recently introduced new classes catered to Frum children in elementary and middle school. These classes focus on key Jewish subjects such as Chumash, Mishnah, and Gemara.
Taught by a team of amazing teachers, these classes provide a nurturing and supportive environment where students engage deeply with the texts and enhance their understanding and skills in these subjects.
These classes are held twice a week for an hour after school, they offer a structured and engaging educational experience that fosters the skills and love for learning.

Structured and Engaging Classes
Separate Classes for Boys and Girls